
Cuixmala, MexicoUPDATED Monday, 10/26/15 DigitalGlobe has activated FirstLook, our global event coverage product, to provide imagery coverage of Hurricane Patricia. Pre-event imagery is available now through MyDigitalGlobe; access details below. We’ll start imaging Saturday morning with ongoing collects for the next several days. Note that given weather conditions, the first few days may be cloudy so we may not have a clear shot right away. Imagery during and after the event will be available online within hours of collection. DigitalGlobe’s imagery for Hurricane Patricia will have an open license for humanitarian purposes. We'll also be coordinating with partners like Humanitarian Open Street Map (HOT), United Nations and others to disseminate information as quickly and broadly as possible. Please feel free to share this post with your networks to bring awareness to the available imagery and data. MyDigitalGlobe login details Our deep, rich Image Library with pre-event imagery can also be used to support aid workers and government officials as they coordinate the response in the immediate aftermath of the hurricane. Please contact us if you need additional access to any of the event imagery. UPDATE: The Tomnod team has launched a crowdsourcing campaign comparing pre- and post-hurricane imagery to to help map damaged buildings, impassable roads, mudslides and areas of major destruction. You can help map damage today at Below are some helpful links: We will continue to update this post as information and imagery becomes available.
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