

October 09, 2015 | Leading the Industry

Showing our appreciation for service members and their families

Find out how DigitalGlobe honored servicemembers at Penn State’s Military Appreciation Day.

October 08, 2015 | Earth Intelligence

The value of geospatial information, from the user's perspective

Celebrating the sixth anniversary of the launch of our WorldView-2 satellite.

October 01, 2015 | Earth Intelligence

Curious about the buzz over crowdsourcing?

Learn about GeoHIVE, a new DigitalGlobe crowdsourcing community.

September 30, 2015 | Earth Intelligence

Crushing pixels in the cloud

What would you do if you had full access to a massive library of high-resolution satellite images covering every inch of the planet for the past 15 years?

September 25, 2015 | Leading the Industry

Driving consequence for U.S. Government missions

Find out how DigitalGlobe helped the Navy find Somali pirates and how we are a mission partner to the U.S. Government.

September 17, 2015 | Earth Intelligence

15 years of earth observation – at your fingertips!

With the 16th anniv. of IKONOS' launch coming up, we are able to announce the treasure trove that is the IKONOS Image Library is once again available for purchase.

September 10, 2015 | Earth Intelligence

DigitalGlobe expands partnership with Orbital Insight

We are excited to announce an expanded partnership with Orbital Insight, a geospatial analysis company that tracks socioeconomic trends at global, regional and hyper-local scales.

September 09, 2015 | Earth Intelligence

The countdown to the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals

On September 25, the UN member states will adopt 17 ambitious Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as priorities until 2030. In celebration, we're launching 17 days of conversation on global development. Find out what we have in store.

August 20, 2015 | Earth Intelligence

Some basemaps are good for finding donuts, other basemaps are better for finding oil & gas

What gets you to the donut shop is probably not what you want to get you to your multi-million dollar oil and gas project.

August 19, 2015 | Leading the Industry

Inspired to end modern day slavery

To truly free the 35.8 million enslaved people worldwide, coalitions of humanitarians, donors, information providers, governments and others must work together.

August 14, 2015 | Earth Intelligence

Celebrating WorldView-3’s first year in orbit

1 year ago, WorldView-3 successfully launched into orbit, bolstering our world-leading constellation with the 1st super-spectral, hi-res commercial satellite.

August 12, 2015 | Earth Intelligence

Eradicating polio with the help of remote sensing

The past 2 months have been major milestones for the eradication of polio for the entire African continent. DigitalGlobe has been helping the effort to eradicate polio with remote sensing and crowdsourcing.

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