
Earth Intelligence

November 10, 2016 | Earth Intelligence

DigitalGlobe is proud to announce two APEX Award nominations from the Colorado Technology Association

We are proud to announce two APEX Award Nominations from the Colorado Technology Association.

November 09, 2016 | Earth Intelligence

The SpaceNet Challenge: help us to harness machine learning to make maps more current and complete

Join the SpaceNet challenge and help us harness machine learning to make maps more current and complete. You can compete for cash prizes!

November 08, 2016 | Earth Intelligence

Maximizing image availability, part 3: weather modeling & contingency strategies

Find out how weather modeling is another way we maximize image availability in your area of interest.

November 07, 2016 | Earth Intelligence

The Wide Area DEM Revolution

The elevation data market is changing with the introduction of high-resolution, wide-area digital elevation models (DEMs) at affordable pricing.

November 03, 2016 | Earth Intelligence

GlobalXplorer blog series, part 1: monitoring and preventing looting in Peru

Learn about GlobalXplorer, Dr. Sarah Parcak's project to use her $1 million TED Prize to turn everyday global citizens into space archaeologists.

November 01, 2016 | Earth Intelligence

Maximizing image availability: let's clear the air - DigitalGlobe Atmospheric Compensation (AComp)

We're excited to introduce Atmospheric Compensation (AComp), a game-changing tool that enhances the usability, quality & availability of our satellite imagery.

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