
DigitalGlobe's Stephen Wood, Vice President, Analysis Center gives an overview on the recently created group and discusses their capabilities. A picture may be worth a thousand words, but in the hands of an expert analyst who can provide context and insight it can be worth vastly more. Using direct access to DigitalGlobe’s satellite constellation, combined with the ability to exploit on-demand an infinite and ever growing archive of global data in our ImageLibrary, DigitalGlobe’s Analysis Center experts help you to see the full picture. DigitalGlobe’s rapid delivery of high-resolution imagery has supported our customers’ efforts in evacuation planning, disaster response, and recovery, and rebuilding in regions worldwide. Our near real-time monitoring capabilities have helped governments, rescue workers, and the international community better understand and manage grave political situations and natural disasters. Notable current and recent Analysis Center projects include the following:
  • Partnering with the Enough Project, UNOSAT, and Geoerge Clooney's Satellite Sentinel Project to detect and hopefully deter war crimes and genocide in Sudan and South Sundan
  • Assessing initial damage following Japan's earthquake and tsunami
  • Shedding light on Middle East protests by revealing the scale and magnitude of expanding protest movements in Syria, Libya, Bahrain, Yemen and Egypt
And we aren’t only engaged in times of crisis. Satellite mapping and imaging clearly play an important role in preserving important historical sites, conserving natural resources and helping governments in developing countries create food and water sustainability. Earlier this year, DigitalGlobe delivered high-resolution satellite imagery of significant heritage sites for the Global Heritage Network, an early warning monitoring system for endangered cultural sites. In addition, we are currently monitoring 16 glaciers for Extreme Ice Survey and have been working with the Jane Goodall Institute for several years providing QuickBird satellite imagery in Tanzania, Uganda, and Congo, in order to make effective conservation decisions. In the Analysis Center, our work with customers often starts with responding to critical questions, including:
  • Where is the damage? Where should I send my rescue teams first?
  • Are my construction projects compliant with environmental regulations?
  • What exactly are my neighbors or adversaries doing?
  • How much oil is in the inventory this week?
  • Should I be concerned about what is happening in this political hotspot, where I'm getting conflicting information?
DigitalGlobe’s Analysis Center helps by focusing and analyzing what’s most important—changes that help our customers save lives, resources, and time. We keep a constant eye on the world to help our customers gain an early insight into the business, military, environmental, and political changes that impact people around the world.
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