Hurricane Florence is battering the coast of the Carolinas, bringing strong winds and heavy bands of rainfall. The National Hurricane Center is tracking this massive storm, which is bigger than the state of North Carolina. The winds for this storm are nearly 400 miles wide – which is the roughly the equivalent of driving from Milwaukee, Wisconsin to St. Louis, Missouri. More than 10 million residents in North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia are under storm watches or warnings. About 5.25 million people live in areas under hurricane warnings or watches. The storm is expected to push up to 13 feet of storm surge and the forecast calls for as much as 40 inches of rain over seven days along the coastline.
DigitalGlobe is committed to supporting communities impacted by disaster and fulfilling Maxar’s purpose of Building a Better World. In preparation of Hurricane Florence, DigitalGlobe is releasing two datasets to assist first responders and commercial organizations operating in the affected areas.
As part of our Open Data Program, DigitalGlobe will publicly release data of the affected areas to support disaster response as it becomes available. Our sister companies, MDA and Radiant Solutions, are also examining the data they can share to support the response.
Any imagery or data distributed through the Open Data Program is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial 4.0 license (CC BY-NC 4.0). This licensing allows for non-commercial use of the information, meaning it can quickly be integrated into first responder workflows with organizations like Team Rubicon, the Red Cross and other non-profits.
If you are a commercial organization with assets in Hurricane Florence’s path or surrounding areas, DigitalGlobe and Maxar have put together StormWatch, a data bundle, that can help you prepare, assess, and respond to potential damage.
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="604"]
Pre-event image of North Carolina.[/caption]
Please continue to check this site and our social media channels for updates on pre- and post-event data.
DigitalGlobe and Maxar are committed to helping communities, first responders and businesses affected by Hurricane Florence. Please take advantage of the available datasets to monitor the potential or ongoing impact and prepare for response and recovery needs.