**UPDATE: The Tomnod team has released a Nepal earthquake data portal with a dynamic map of the latest crowdsourcing results.
Today DigitalGlobe released the initial results from the Tomnod crowdsourcing campaign in response to the earthquake that struck Nepal on April 25. The damage mapping campaign will continue, and volunteers are encouraged to visit the Tomnod website to contribute their time and efforts.
Additionally, DigitalGlobe is making pre- and post-event imagery available through our Geospatial Big Data platform, hosted by Amazon Web Services. In addition to the pan-sharpened color images we have been releasing over the past several days, we are also releasing the full multi-spectral imagery where available. This imagery comes with a Public License for Humanitarian purposes and should be attributed to DigitalGlobe.
The imagery is now available for download through Amazon Web Services in two S3 buckets: Nepal-pre-event and Nepal-post-event. Imagery will continue to load in as it is processed and becomes available. These images are accessible using the following credentials:
Secret Key ID: nocy1R6xGxY3KNvmpoZw+9ej377IB58EmjUO3kv7
There are a number of options for downloading this data:
Cloudberry Explorer: http://www.cloudberrylab.com/free-amazon-s3-explorer-cloudfront-IAM.aspx
S3 Browser: http://s3browser.com/
S3cmd: http://s3tools.org/s3cmd
AWS CLI: http://aws.amazon.com/cli/
We will also continue to make fresh imagery available for viewing on MyDigitalGlobe, accessed via http://services.digitalglobe.com
Username: nepal
Password: forcrisis
To compare pre- and post-earthquake images, click on the image you want to view in the film strip, find the “With Selected” drop-down, and choose “Compare.” To view metadata on the image, click on the upper right of the collect. Downloads are also available in the Library (My Imagery > Library).