Vricon knows as well as anyone that a picture is worth a thousand words. We use the highest-quality commercial satellite imagery. Our 3D analytics and data models depict the world the way it really is.
We love sharing our 3D models with our colleagues and clients, often on social media (do you follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, or YouTube?). We know not everyone peruses these social spaces—and that these platforms might not be available to all our readers at their workplaces—so we made it easier to get video to you in a way that works for you.
Introducing our new video library: You can search by year, category (Use Cases, Products, and Where in the World?), and keyword. You can also just click on what looks good.
Are you looking yet?
Even the smartest, most focused people can get lost on YouTube and wind up spending 15 minutes watching cat videos instead of showing their colleagues exactly what they were looking for (sometimes this is a cat video; let’s not lie to ourselves), so we compiled some of our most important videos in one place, sans cats. We’ll continue to add to our library.
What videos would you like to see? Is there a spot we should build and share here? Contact us to let us know!