I just spent three days with Maxar partners and customers in Japan. I was keenly reminded of the role we play as their key mission partner for space systems, imagery and analytics. I also realized that our commercial mindset, informed by the breadth of experience and expertise across the Maxar businesses, is why we play such a key role with our partners in Japan—and all our customers around the world.
Maxar is at the nexus of the new space economy. We are a “new” space company but with 60 years of heritage in space exploration and technology innovation. We intrinsically understand the technology needs and requirements of our customers. We get it. We live it. We know the challenges, and we are excited about the possibilities. And by bringing the combined power of our considerable capabilities to the table, we provide our customers with industry-leading solutions that are innovative, agile and cost-effective. And we do that again and again.
Our Japanese partners are the major players in the region, and our collaboration is built on trust.
Broadcasting Satellite System Corporation (BSAT) and SKY Perfect JSAT Corporation (JSAT) are the leading providers of satellite communication and broadcast services in Japan and across Asia. SSL designed and built the JCSAT-16 communications satellite, launched in August 2016. SSL also designed and built BSAT-4A, launched in September 2017, and is currently developing the BSAT-4B.
Japan Space Imaging Corporation (JSI) is one of the leading resellers of imagery and geospatial solutions in Japan. JSI is owned by Hitachi Ltd. and Mitsubishi Corporation. JSI has a rich history representing DigitalGlobe, the world's leading provider of high-resolution Earth imagery and data, to the Japan national security organizations. More recently they have also expanded to partner with DigitalGlobe for the commercial and civil markets as well.
These partnerships have strengthened and evolved as our team has worked with theirs year after year, one project after another. From our long-term interaction, they’ve come to trust us as their mission partner. The intimacy that’s resulted allows us to understand their challenges and see opportunities for their businesses in a unique light. And when they need us, we know how to leverage our technologies and expertise to deliver spot-on solutions and insights that best serve their mission-essential operations.
Across our company, this is the goal. To meet and exceed the needs of our clients. To help them envision what is possible. To show how we can innovate to unlock insights that Build a Better World.